In the expansive framework of Sri Amit Ray’s 108 chakra system, the practice of yoga and meditation unfolds as a way of life, guiding us on a profound journey towards equilibrium and alignment. This journey extends its reach not only to the individual seeker but also to the vast cosmic dimensions where the energies of Shiva and Shakti dance in divine harmony.
The phrase “Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam Tan Nirodhah” is from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (1.12) refers to consistent practice and detachment from worldly distractions. By mastering these, you can attain control over the restless mind, paving the way for spiritual awakening.

Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam Tan Nirodhah Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Yet, this significance deepens when you explore its connection with the intricate web of 108 divine relationships between Shiva (Purusha), the embodiment of the divine masculine (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and Shakti, the divine feminine (Mother, Daughter, and Holy Soul). These 108 chakras, discovered by Sri Amit Ray, are integral to this spiritual odyssey.
“Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam Tan Nirodhah can be the practice of balancing the 108 chakras in the body and mind with detachment and sincerity, leading to perfect mental equilibrium and an deep awakening to the eternal source (purusha) .” – Sri Amit Ray
The Essence
Let’s delve into the meaning of this aphorism, piece by piece:
- Abhyasa (Practice): At its core, this sutra underscores the concept of “Abhyasa” or practice. It signifies the dedicated and consistent effort that one puts into the path of yoga. Yoga is not a mere intellectual pursuit; it is a lived experience that demands daily practice. Through Abhyasa, we cultivate discipline and commitment, nurturing our spiritual growth.
- Vairagya (Detachment): The second element, “Vairagya,” emphasizes the art of detachment. It does not advocate aloofness or indifference but rather encourages us to develop a balanced perspective toward the material world. Vairagya is about letting go of excessive attachments, desires, and aversions, which often cloud our mental clarity.
- Tan Nirodhah (Control of the Mind): The ultimate aim of yoga, as echoed in “Tan Nirodhah,” is the mastery and control of the mind. It’s the harmonious blending of disciplined practice (Abhyasa) and balanced detachment (Vairagya) that leads to the stilling of the mind’s fluctuations. This tranquil state of mind is the gateway to self-realization and inner peace.
The Roadmap
Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam Tan Nirodhah is a roadmap for daily living. It encourages us to:
- Cultivate Discipline: Through regular practice (Abhyasa), whether it be asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), or meditation, we develop discipline and dedication in our spiritual journey.
- Embrace Detachment: Vairagya teaches us to acknowledge desires and attachments without being ruled by them. It guides us to find a balanced perspective, reducing the turbulence created by extreme emotions.
- Mastery of the Mind: Ultimately, the sutra leads us to the pinnacle of yoga—the mastery of the mind (Tan Nirodhah). In this tranquil state, we experience the profound stillness.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra Slokas
Atha Yoga Anushasanam invited us to embark on the yoga journey, emphasizing that the path of yoga is accessible in the present moment, transcending time and space. It set the stage for our exploration.
Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha delved into the importance of mental purity and stability, echoing the profound interplay between the divine forces of Shiva and Shakti. It revealed the cosmic dance of the universe, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all existence.
Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam Tan Nirodhah takes us further on this transformative journey. It reminds us that the path of yoga requires consistent practice and detachment from worldly distractions. By mastering these, we attain control over the restless mind, paving the way for spiritual awakening.
The Timeless Call
In essence, “Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam Tan Nirodhah” is not just an invitation; it is a cosmic call. It calls upon us to awaken to the universal truths that govern our existence. It beckons us to embrace the dance of Shiva and Shakti within ourselves, harmonizing the forces of consciousness and creation. Through this journey, we come to realize that our path transcends time, culture, and creed.
As we respond to this timeless call, we embark on the path of self-realization and inner balance. We connect with the eternal wisdom of yoga, recognizing that we are not separate entities but threads woven into the divine framework of existence and consciousness. Each of us contributes to the cosmic dance of life, love, and spiritual evolution.
In the profound tradition of Sri Amit Ray’s 108 chakra system, we are reminded that yoga is not confined by the limitations of the human experience. It is the art of aligning ourselves with the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti—a dance that transcends time and space, inviting us to become one with the eternal rhythms of the universe.