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Balancing Extraverted and Introverted Personalities and Your 108 Chakras

Learn the concepts of extraversion and introversion, and discover how the wisdom of the 108 chakras can guide you towards a harmonious life. Extraverts draw vitality from social interactions, finding joy in the external world. Introverts seek solace in introspection and value the richness of their inner world. Within the intricate network of 108 chakras, you have the ability to achieve the optimal level of stability for your personality.

This article aims to examine the intricate interplay between extraverted and introverted personality traits, drawing insights from the encapsulated in the 108 chakras of Sri Amit Ray traditions.

“Within the intricate network of 108 chakras, extraverts find social vitality, while introverts discover solace in the rich landscape of their inner world. Balancing the 108 chakras is the art of  happy life” – Sri Amit Ray


You can balance your personality by activating the 114 chakras in your body system. Guruji, Sri Amit Ray discovered the 114 chakra system in 2005. By removing the blockages in your 108 chakras and by aligning the other chakras with the cosmos, you can remove the five causes of sufferings.

Through this exploration, readers will gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the transformative potential that arises when the wisdom of the 108 chakras is harnessed for personal growth and self-discovery.

Extraversion Items:

  1. I am the life of the party.
  2. I feel comfortable around people.
  3. I start conversations.
  4. I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
  5. I do not mind being the center of attention.

Introversion Items (Reversed):

  1. I do not talk a lot.
  2. I keep in the background.
  3. I have little to say.
  4. I do not like to draw attention to myself.
  5. I am quiet around strangers.

By harmonizing the 108 chakras, the tight hold of stress weakens, and a feeling of internal tranquility emerges, enabling the individual to rejuvenate, strengthen, and free themselves from the constraints of anxiety, revealing a route towards inner serenity and equilibrium.

What is the 108 chakra in the body?

The human body is believed to have seven chakras along the line of the spine. But in 2005, Sri Amit Ray introduced the 108 chakras to the world as a subset of the 114 chakras to cover the total neuropsychology, human mind, body, and spiritual experiences. He introduces the names, locations, functions, mantras, and awakenings of the 108 chakras.

The concept of 108 chakras offers a unique and innovative perspective on the traditional understanding of energy centers in the human body. Each of these chakras could have specific functions, including the regulation of emotions, the facilitation of physical well-being, and the enhancement of spiritual awareness.

The 108 Chakras Courses


In the tecachings of Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, SoHam breathing meditation is very inspiring, effective and easy. The mental repetition of the so ham (Soham, HamSo, So Hum, HamSam, or haṁsa) mantra in synchronization with the breath is an excellent tool to guide us into a deep state of meditation. Engaging in the sacred practice of Navarna Mantra chanting provides a powerful antidote to the burdens of stress, strain, and anxiety. As the rhythmic vibrations of the mantra permeate the atmosphere, they create a cocoon of tranquility around the practitioner.

Extraverted personality

An extraverted personality, often spelled as “extraverted” in psychological literature, is characterized by a set of traits and behaviors associated with social engagement, assertiveness, and a preference for external stimulation. Extraversion is one of the five major personality traits in the Five Factor Model (also known as the Big Five), a widely used framework in psychology for understanding and measuring personality.

Key features of an extraverted personality include:

  1. Sociability:
    • Extraverted individuals are typically outgoing and enjoy interacting with others.
    • They often seek social situations and feel energized by being around people.
  2. Assertiveness:
    • Extraverts tend to be assertive, expressive, and comfortable taking charge in social settings.
    • They are more likely to initiate conversations and activities.
  3. Talkativeness:
    • Extraverted individuals are often talkative and expressive, enjoying verbal communication.
    • They may find it easy to engage in conversations with both familiar and unfamiliar people.
  4. Energetic:
    • Extraverts derive energy from external stimuli, including social interactions and dynamic environments.
    • They may be more inclined to participate in group activities and events.
  5. Positive Emotions:
    • Extraverted individuals are often associated with positive affect, experiencing emotions like joy, enthusiasm, and excitement.
    • They may approach life with optimism and a positive outlook.
  6. Adventurousness:
    • Extraverts are often open to new experiences and may seek out novel and stimulating activities.
    • They may enjoy trying new things and exploring different environments.
  7. Comfort with Risk-Taking:
    • Extraverts may be more comfortable taking risks, whether in social situations, career endeavors, or personal pursuits.
    • They may embrace challenges and uncertainties.
  8. Preference for External Stimulation:
    • Extraverts may find external stimuli, such as social events, music, or vibrant environments, energizing and enjoyable.
    • They may be less inclined towards solitude and more drawn to activities involving people.

It’s important to note that personality traits, including extraversion, exist on a continuum, and individuals may display a mix of extraverted and introverted characteristics. Additionally, an extraverted personality doesn’t necessarily imply extroversion in every aspect of life; individuals may exhibit variations in social behavior depending on context and personal preferences. The contrast to extraversion is introversion, where individuals tend to be more reserved, reflective, and may prefer quieter and less stimulating environments.

Introverted Characteristics

Introverted characteristics are traits associated with individuals who tend to be more reserved, reflective, and prefer quieter, less stimulating environments. Introversion is one of the major personality traits in the Five Factor Model, commonly referred to as the Big Five. Here are some key introverted characteristics:

  1. Preference for Solitude:
    • Introverts often find solace and energy in alone time. They may recharge by spending time in quiet and contemplative activities.
  2. Reflective and Thoughtful:
    • Introverted individuals are often deep thinkers who enjoy reflecting on their thoughts and feelings. They may appreciate introspective activities.
  3. Limited Social Interaction:
    • While introverts can enjoy social interactions, they may have a preference for smaller, more intimate gatherings over large crowds. They may find extended socializing draining.
  4. Selective Social Connections:
    • Introverts tend to have a smaller circle of close friends and value deep, meaningful connections. They may prioritize quality over quantity in relationships.
  5. Private and Reserved:
    • Introverts can be more private about their thoughts and feelings. They may not always express themselves outwardly and may prefer to keep certain aspects of their lives personal.
  6. Independent:
    • Introverted individuals often value independence and may be comfortable working alone. They may thrive in environments where they can focus without constant external stimulation.
  7. Prefer Depth Over Breadth:
    • Introverts often prefer deep, meaningful conversations to casual small talk. They may engage in discussions that explore ideas and emotions in greater detail.
  8. Observant:
    • Introverts tend to be observant and may notice details that others might overlook. They often take in information through careful observation.
  9. Reserved Communication Style:
    • Introverts may not be as verbally expressive as extraverts. They may take time to process their thoughts before articulating them, and they may prefer written communication.
  10. Avoidance of Conflict:
    • Introverts may avoid confrontation and conflict, opting for more peaceful and harmonious environments. They may find intense interpersonal conflict emotionally draining.
  11. Prefer Planned Activities:
    • Introverts may appreciate planned and structured activities, as they provide a sense of control and predictability. They may find spontaneity more challenging.
  12. Creative and Imaginative:
    • Many introverts have a rich inner world and can be creative and imaginative. They may enjoy activities that allow them to express themselves creatively.

It’s important to note that introversion is a spectrum, and individuals may exhibit introverted characteristics to varying degrees. Additionally, introversion is just one dimension of personality, and people may have a combination of introverted and extraverted traits in different aspects of their lives. Understanding and embracing introverted characteristics can contribute to a more nuanced and appreciative view of different personality types.

Balancing Extraverted and Introverted Nature

Balancing extraverted and introverted characteristics involves recognizing and integrating both aspects of your personality to create a harmonious and fulfilling life. Here are some strategies for achieving balance:

  1. Self-awareness:
    • Take time to reflect on your natural tendencies towards extraversion and introversion. Acknowledge the strengths and challenges associated with each aspect of your personality.
  2. Acceptance:
    • Embrace both your extraverted and introverted traits as valuable parts of who you are. Avoid judging one as better than the other and appreciate the unique qualities each brings to your life.
  3. Mindfulness:
    • Practice mindfulness to become more attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in different situations. Notice when you feel energized by social interactions (extraverted) and when you need quiet time alone to recharge (introverted).
  4. Set Boundaries:
    • Establish boundaries that honor your need for both social engagement and solitude. Learn to say no to social invitations when you need time for self-reflection and recharge.
  5. Schedule Alone Time:
    • Prioritize alone time in your schedule to reflect, recharge, and pursue solitary activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
  6. Engage in Social Activities:
    • Make an effort to participate in social activities that align with your interests and values. Focus on quality over quantity in your social interactions, nurturing meaningful connections.
  7. Practice Active Listening:
    • In social settings, practice active listening and genuine engagement with others. Take breaks as needed to recharge if you start feeling overwhelmed.
  8. Set Realistic Goals:
    • Set realistic goals that honor both your need for social connection and your need for personal time. Find a balance between pursuing social goals and engaging in introspective activities.
  9. Flexibility:
    • Be flexible and adaptive in your approach to different situations. Recognize that your needs may vary depending on circumstances, and allow yourself to adjust accordingly.
  10. Seek Balance in Relationships:
    • Cultivate relationships that respect and support your need for both social interaction and solitude. Communicate your preferences openly with friends, family, and partners.
  11. Self-care Practices:
    • Incorporate self-care practices that cater to both your extraverted and introverted sides. This may include activities like exercise, creative pursuits, nature walks, and meditation.
  12. Seek Support:
    • If you’re struggling to find balance, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who can help you explore and integrate your personality traits in a healthy way.

By consciously integrating both extraverted and introverted characteristics into your life, you can create a sense of balance that honors your unique personality and enhances your overall well-being.


As you navigate the intricate interplay between extraverted and introverted personalities, guided by the wisdom of your 108 chakras, remember that your journey is a unique symphony. Embrace the diversity within yourself, allowing the energies of both extraversion and introversion to coalesce into a harmonious melody that encapsulates the essence of your being. In this grand tapestry, find the beauty of balance, the richness of self-discovery, and the perennial wisdom of your inner cosmos.


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