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Self-Realization and Your 108 Chakras: The Dance of Shiva and Shakti

One of the most profound teachings of Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, is self-realization. Once you understand your 108 chakras, self-realization is very easy. The 108 chakras provide a roadmap to understanding the source of your bliss, and suffering—the Five Kleshas—the five blockages of human energies.

Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, classified the 108 chakras into two groups: the Shiva Chakras and the Shakti Chakras. Understanding this classification is vital for self-realization.

This article aims to examine Self-Realization and their connection to the of the 108 chakras.  This article explores the transformative journey of self-realization within the framework of these 108 Chakras, unveiling the cosmic coneection of Shiva and Shakti that guides seekers towards the ultimate realization of the self.

Discover the cosmic rhythm within – 114 chakras echo the eternal dance of Shiva Shakti, guiding the path to profound self-realization.” Sri Amit Ray

You can remove the causes of suffering by activating the 114 chakras in your body system. Guruji, Sri Amit Ray discovered the 114 chakra system in 2005. By removing the blockages in your 108 chakras and by aligning the other chakras with the cosmos, you can remove the five causes of sufferings.

By harmonizing the 108 chakras, the tight hold of stress weakens, and a feeling of internal tranquility emerges, enabling the individual to rejuvenate, strengthen, and free themselves from the constraints of anxiety, revealing a route towards inner serenity and equilibrium.

In the course you will know the 108 chakras names, locations and the functions. These 108 chakras, according to Guruji’s teachings, serve as a comprehensive roadmap that facilitates a profound understanding of deeper spirituality, and the origins of our sufferings, the Five Kleshas, and, most importantly, provides guidance on overcoming these inherent challenges in our human experience.

What is the 108 chakra in the body?

The human body is believed to have seven chakras along the line of the spine. But in 2005, Sri Amit Ray introduced the 108 chakras to the world as a subset of the 114 chakras to cover the total neuropsychology, human mind, body, and spiritual experiences. He introduces the names, locations, functions, mantras, and awakenings of the 108 chakras.

The concept of 108 chakras offers a unique and innovative perspective on the traditional understanding of energy centers in the human body. Each of these chakras could have specific functions, including the regulation of emotions, the facilitation of physical well-being, and the enhancement of spiritual awareness.

Shiva, Shakti and Your 108 Chakras

The lower Chakras, from 1 to 9, situated in the lower part of the body, grounding the individual in the physical and material aspects of existence. Activation of these Chakras establishes a strong foundation for the journey. ourney to the Third Eye Chakras, from 28 to 36, located in the area between the eyebrows. These Chakras govern intuition and insight, providing a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. Finally, ascend to the Crown Chakras, from 37 to 45, situated at the top of the head. Activation of these Chakras opens the doorway to higher states of consciousness, facilitating the connection with the divine.

Shiva: The Transcendent Consciousness

In the cosmic source of existence, Shiva represents the unchanging, eternal consciousness. Visualize Shiva in a state of deep meditation, seated in the stillness of absolute tranquility. His matted hair symbolizes the potentiality of the unmanifest, holding within it the seeds of creation. Shiva is the silent observer, untouched by the dance of the material world, embodying the essence of transcendent consciousness.

Shakti: The Dynamic Creative Force

Conversely, Shakti is the dynamic, creative force that propels the cosmic dance forward. Picture Shakti as a vibrant, flowing river of energy, gracefully moving around Shiva. She is the manifestation of life, pulsating with creativity, and her dance gives rise to the ever-changing forms and experiences of the universe. Shakti represents the feminine principle, embodying the aspects of energy, movement, and transformation.

The Union in Dance

The dance of Shiva and Shakti is a dance of unity in diversity, where the stillness of Shiva merges harmoniously with the dynamic energy of Shakti. In this cosmic ballet, Shakti’s dance is not separate from Shiva; it is an expression of their inseparable union. The dance symbolizes the interplay of opposites – creation and dissolution, stillness and movement – reflecting the eternal cycles of life and existence.

The 108 Chakras Courses

The Significance of 108 Chakras

In the traditional understanding of Chakras, the focus often lies on the seven main energy centers aligned along the spine. However, in the tradition of  Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, the exploration deepens with the acknowledgment of 114 Chakras.  These additional Chakras intricately connect with the microcosm and macrocosm, providing a more nuanced understanding of the self in relation to the universe.

The Microcosmic Connection

The 108 Chakras are not limited to the physical body; they extend beyond the individual self into the subtle layers of existence. Each Chakra, like a node in the cosmic network, is a point of connection between the microcosm of the individual and the macrocosm of the universe. This intricate web of energy links the personal journey of self-realization with the broader cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti.

The Macrocosmic Harmony

In the macrocosmic perspective, the 108 Chakras represent the cosmic symphony, with each Chakra contributing a unique note to the grand composition of the universe. The dance of Shiva and Shakti, echoing through these Chakras, orchestrates the harmonious flow of energy and consciousness on a universal scale. The seeker, in the process of self-realization, aligns with this cosmic harmony, becoming a conscious participant in the dance of existence.

The Role of Meditation

In the tradition of Sri Amit Ray, meditation and the 108 chakra awareness play a pivotal role in the journey of self-realization through the 108 Chakras. Visualize the seeker engaging in deep meditation, transcending the fluctuations of the mind, and attuning to the subtle energies within. Through mindfulness practices, the seeker brings conscious awareness to each Chakra, fostering balance and alignment.

  1. Meditative Awareness of Chakras: Picture the seeker in a state of deep meditation, directing attention to each Chakra sequentially. This meditative awareness allows for the exploration of the subtle nuances and qualities associated with each energy center.

  2. Breath as a Bridge: Envision the breath as a bridge connecting the individual with the cosmic energies. In mindful breathing practices, the seeker harmonizes the breath with the ascent of Kundalini, creating a seamless flow of energy through the 108 Chakras.

  3. Awareness in Daily Life: Extend the practice of deep awareness beyond formal meditation into daily life. Imagine the seeker bringing awareness to thoughts, emotions, and actions, creating a conscious and harmonious engagement with the dance of Shiva and Shakti.

  4. Ego Dissolution: Imagine the dissolution of the ego as the seeker progresses through the Chakras. The ego, often identified with individuality, gradually merges with the cosmic consciousness, paving the way for a transcendent experience of self. Picture the blossoming of Anahata, the Heart Chakra, as Kundalini ascends to the center of the chest. This marks a profound opening of the heart, fostering love, compassion, and interconnectedness.

Practices to Remove The Obstacles

The journey of self-realization through the 108 Chakras is not without its challenges. Picture the seeker encountering obstacles, facing deep-seated fears, and navigating the complexities of the ego. However, each challenge becomes an opportunity for transformation, a stepping stone towards a higher state of consciousness.

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness, a key aspect of yoga and an integral part of many therapeutic approaches in modern psychology, helps individuals become aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By practicing mindfulness, we can recognize the Kleshas as they arise and work on transforming them.
  2. Emotional Regulation: Modern psychology offers various techniques for emotional regulation, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). These methods help individuals address aversion, attachment, and fear of death, which are closely related to the Kleshas.
  3. So Hum Meditation:  In the tecachings of Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, SoHam breathing meditation is very inspiring, effective and easy. The mental repetition of the so ham (Soham, HamSo, So Hum, HamSam, or haṁsa) mantra in synchronization with the breath is an excellent tool to guide us into a deep state of meditation. As each breath aligns with the rhythmic chant of ‘so’ on inhalation and ‘ham’ on exhalation, a profound synergy unfolds. This mantra, often translated as ‘I am that,’ becomes a vehicle for transcending the boundaries of the self. The harmonious union of breath and mantra creates a meditative flow, fostering a serene connection with the present moment and facilitating entry into a state of heightened awareness and inner tranquility. Through this practice, the mind finds a point of focus, allowing one to journey inward, exploring the vast realms of consciousness and self-discovery.
  4. Navarna Mantra Chanting: Engaging in the sacred practice of Navarna Mantra chanting provides a powerful antidote to the burdens of stress, strain, and anxiety. As the rhythmic vibrations of the mantra permeate the atmosphere, they create a cocoon of tranquility around the practitioner. The Navarana Mantra, with its profound spiritual significance, serves as a transformative tool, inviting a profound shift in consciousness. Through the repetition of these sacred syllables, a resonance is established, harmonizing the mind and spirit. This meditative act becomes a sanctuary, offering respite from the demands of everyday life. With each chant, the grip of stress loosens, and a sense of inner calm unfolds, allowing the practitioner to emerge rejuvenated, fortified, and liberated from the shackles of anxiety, unveiling a path towards inner peace and balance.
  5. Self-Reflection: Both yoga and psychology encourage self-reflection and self-inquiry. By examining our beliefs, biases, and attachments, we can reduce the grip of the Kleshas and move closer to self-realization and mental well-being.
  6. Personal Growth: Yoga and psychology emphasize personal growth and self-improvement. Understanding the Kleshas provides a roadmap for self-transformation, allowing us to shed the layers of ego and attachment, ultimately reducing suffering.


In the tradition of Sri Amit Ray, the journey of self-realization through the 108 Chakras is a transformative odyssey that aligns the seeker with the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti. Envision the seeker transcending the limitations of individual identity, harmonizing with the universal energies, and realizing the profound interconnectedness of all existence. Through meditation, mindfulness, and a conscious exploration of the 108 Chakras, the seeker embarks on an eternal dance towards the ultimate realization of the self – a dance that echoes through the cosmos and resonates with the timeless wisdom of the East.

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